
Wolverine Claws

This is a project to make working wolverine claws.

I’m not really interested in cosplay, what I want is something that works (even if all I’m ever going to use it for is chopping fruit), and I’m kind of disappointed by the versions of the claws that people have made (there’s lots on Youtube).

Specifically, nothing I’ve seen so far is both low-profile and practical. I want something that is long and sharp, can extend quickly, is very unlikely to extend accidentally, can be retracted easily (and with minimal other gear, like having to wear a pneumatic tank), and fits easily into the sleeve of a jacket. Basically, I want this thing to feel like it’s really a functional part of my body.

The design I’ve settled on is pictured. The blades and some plates are metal, probably waterjetted. There will be some 3D printed parts to connect and align parts. There will be only two things strapped to the arm: the on-hand structural support / aligner and the smaller on-wrist structural support. There will be a spring powering extension, a knob for manual retraction (maybe motorized later), a rail to align the blade assembly as it slides, and two controls on the palm to trigger extension and lock and unlock the blade position.

The length of the blades is limited by forearm length; the design I have right now should just about go to my elbow when retracted. The blades extend about 6 inches past the knuckles.

CAD design of wolverine claws